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Saturday, 29 May 2010

Handmade A.C.A.B Brass Knuckles

A.C.A.B Brass Knuckles / Knuckle Dusters

Solid Aluminium Knuckle dusters featuring A.C.A.B on the striking surfaces, (acab stands for - All Cops Are Bastards - Which I Don't actually agree with, some are great people, so don't be offended)
These are again a one off, they have a unique style palm rest which is designed a bit like a knife handle, they can only be held one way due to the design, each striking surface above the fingers protrudes and has a letter on it.
They feature the letters ACAB, Made In England, M.B and K.O, they were made in 2009.
They have a curved palm rest and oval finger holes that get smaller to fit the fingers better, due to this they can only be held one way.

Dimensions - 110mm long, 80mm high and 16mm thick.

Also Known as - Бокс (оръжие), Puny americà, Boxer (zbraň), Dyrnau haearn, Knojern, Schlagring, Puño de acero, Puño Americano, Altzairuzko ukabila, Nyrkkirauta, Tirapugni, ナックルダスター, Kastete, Kastet, Buku lima, Boksbeugel, Knokejern, Soco-inglês, Кастет, Boksar (orožje), Knogjärn, Muşta, 鐵蓮花, Knuckle dusters, knuckles, home made, handmade, how to make, for sale, selling, trade, swap, Brass Knuckles, Brass Knucks, Poing Americain.


  1. Its BEAUTIFULL!!! Do you know how/where can I buy this piece of art?

  2. Where did you find these? I'm asking because M.B. I know someone with those initials.-AM

  3. sell this ? i want to buy

  4. Very nice, i build one in tin after see this one.
    Him not look like but inspiration is here.
    Thank for your picture.
