A.C.A.B Brass Knuckles / Knuckle Dusters
Solid Aluminium Knuckle dusters featuring A.C.A.B on the striking surfaces, (acab stands for - All Cops Are Bastards - Which I Don't actually agree with, some are great people, so don't be offended)
These are again a one off, they have a unique style palm rest which is designed a bit like a knife handle, they can only be held one way due to the design, each striking surface above the fingers protrudes and has a letter on it.
They feature the letters ACAB, Made In England, M.B and K.O, they were made in 2009.
They have a curved palm rest and oval finger holes that get smaller to fit the fingers better, due to this they can only be held one way.
Dimensions - 110mm long, 80mm high and 16mm thick.
Also Known as - Бокс (оръжие), Puny americà, Boxer (zbraň), Dyrnau haearn, Knojern, Schlagring, Puño de acero, Puño Americano, Altzairuzko ukabila, Nyrkkirauta, Tirapugni, ナックルダスター, Kastete, Kastet, Buku lima, Boksbeugel, Knokejern, Soco-inglês, Кастет, Boksar (orožje), Knogjärn, Muşta, 鐵蓮花, Knuckle dusters, knuckles, home made, handmade, how to make, for sale, selling, trade, swap, Brass Knuckles, Brass Knucks, Poing Americain.